Tuesday, March 23, 2010

A world without fish

Not long ago we have been present at the polemic if there was necessary the inclusion of the red tuna in the list of protected species QUOTE. ”The European Union defends, to prohibit the international trade of the red tuna, a species that European ships catch for the most part to export later up to 80 % of the apprehensions Japan.

QUOTE the initials are in English “The Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora” (Convention on the International trade of Species Threatened with Fauna and Flora Silvestres).

It is a question of an international agreement between government s, written like the result of the resolution adopted in 1973 in a meeting of the members of the “World Union for the Environmental protection” (World Conservation Union) (IUCN). His intention is of making sure that the international trade of specimens of animals and wild plants should not threaten his survival in his natural way. The agreements are several protection grades, and they cover to more than 30.000 species of animals and plants.

None of the species protected by QUOTE it has become extinct as a consequence of his commerce, since the Agreement came into force in 1975.”

Puncture here to see the video

Oceana has just done públcia a note that I reproduce next.

Oceana claims that YOU QUOTE protect 40 marine species, including the prohibition of the international trade of the red tuna under the Appendix I and that regulates the commerce of 8 species of shark and 31 of red corals and roses by means of the Appendix II. A team of scientists and experts of the international organization of marine conservation is from yesterday in Doha (Qatar). There they are present at the 15th Conference of the Parts of CITES (Convention on the international trade of threatened species), which chases to avoid the species extinction as a result of the international trade.

The Atlantic red tuna I of CITES has been proposed for his inclusion in the Appendix because the illegal fishing and the international trade are pushing it to the collapse. The red tunas are between the most valuable fish of the world and his meat is used for the sushi and the sashimi. In the last years, almost all the apprehensions declared in the Mediterranean have been exported to Japan and the stock of western Atlantic red tuna has turned out to be reduced in more than 82 %. Oceana and MarViva demand his protection under the Appendix I, which prohibits the international trade of species that are almost threatened with extinction.

Eight sharks species II of CITES have been proposed for the Appendix, what would demand permissions of exportation. The international demand of products of shark, particularly fins, is taking many populations at the edge of the extinction. For this reason, Oceana supports the inclusion of the oceanic braggart and the horned common one, as well as of “similar species” – shark sand-dealer, shark piece, horned giant and horned cross – in addition to the cailón and the spiny dogfish.

Puncture here to see the video

Also for the Appendix II, the European Union and the United States have proposed 31 species of red corals and roses. These corals are exploited intensively to meet the international demand of jewelry shop and other products, and his elimination stops to other species without food or refuge. From the 80s of last century, the landings have diminished more than 60-80 % and the polyps populations have fallen down concerning 80-90 %. Oceana supports his inclusion in the Appendix II of CITES, necessary to assure the future of these species and the marine habitats that they shape.”

The end of the line is an interesting documentary on the situation of the fishing in the world and that we must do. Is the responsible aquaculture an essential complement?

Puncture here to see the video

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