Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Tsunami in Chile

Although the authorities tried to minimize the Tsunami risk as a consequence of the big earthquake of Chile of February 27, in the end it took place. Between many other damages, it devastated the center of Constitution.

This is what happened in the city of Nag

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This is the one that devastated completely the city of Constitution.

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In Dichato

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In Ritoque

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In Iloca

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In Queule

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After seeing all this, it is a very difficult comprehension as it is possible to commit et error of minimizing the possibility of a tsunami that had been warned by the NOAA of the United States. In the first moments later to the big earthquake the authorities confirmed that the official number of deceased raised 78 persons, the Proxy made sure thatwhen there is an earthquake of the magnitude that has existed in Chile one hopes that there could be a tsunami, but it was already not”.

He affirmed that there have been stated “waves of major magnitude” in some coastal zones, what it qualified of “normally in a situation of this nature”. “But it has not been a tsunami, this is what usually happens”, it clarified.

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The movement of the waters came even Japan as it is possible to see in the previous simulation.

“I want to call to the calmness. In this moment there is not called tsunami. I understand that international institutions have extracted the tsunami alert for Chile”, he insisted before the consultations of the press.

He added that the Navy of Chile is obtaining all the information from Arica up to Aysén, with 19 measuring devices of the SHOA (Hydrographic Service and Oceanográfico of the Navy). “Here the whole institucionalidad is worked in case of warning any risk”.

It seems that the motive is mistaken of appreciation of the SHOA:

“In the above mentioned report it is established that the SHOA discarded the possibility of tsunami in direct communication with the Proxy. After this, close to 05:30 hours, the Onemi discarded the possibility of a tsunami, and soon, in his first public appearance, Bachelet did not allude to the topic. So much earlier as after it, several coastal localities were struck by waves of different intensity.”

“The error - that has been in the center of the polemic and that cocked a deep inconvenience of the Proxy with the naval institution - it was recognized yesterday evening by proper González after TVN.”

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“The President called the SHOA as to 05:15, to see if it was supporting the alert that we had given approximately one hour ago and ten minutes behind. We were slightly clear in the information that we deliver him, we were not it sufficiently precise to say to the President it is supported or gate (…) There Was staggering on our part”.

On the other hand, last year a few scientists had already pointed out that: "In the worst stage, the area [Concepción-Constitución, in Chile] a potential already has so that there happens an earthquake of magnitude as big as 8 or 8.5 in a next future”. “The Chilean coast is one of the most active seismic areas of the planet, was telling in 2009 the team of J.C.Ruegg in Physics of the Earth and Planetary Interiors. Since average, 8 has produced a big magnitude earthquake to himself every 10 years along the history there and the only exception was till now precisely the region understood between 35th and 37th of South latitude (Concepción-Constitución), that he suffered the last big earthquake on February 20, 1835. It was the earthquake that caught Charles Darwin for the area in his long trip and that reported in a letter to his sister Caroline.

Let's hope that the next time, it should be where it is and is which be the danger, the alarms work. In emergency everything has to work automatically. As it is said: "better safe than sorry".

Fortitude and help for Chile. Let's not forget Haiti.

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