Saturday, March 20, 2010

I freeze in the sea. Crioesfera

The ice covers about 28 millions of Km2, principally in the Oceans the Arctic and in the Antarctic. It plays a fundamental role in the regulation of the climate and escrítico for multitude of animals. The glaciers and the badges of ice cover approximately 10 % of the surface of the Earth. Except Australia all the continents are partially covered by ice. In spite of his magnitude and importance, it is difficult to visit and to study these frozen spaces and often the scientists study them across photos taken from the space.

The badge Wilkins of the Antarctic peninsula broke in February, 2008. In the previous image taken the satellite of Taiwan Formosat-2, big ice pieces can be seen floating. In the following image of the satellite of the NASA Terra it offers a wider image.

On the coast North-East of Greenland the marine currents produce images as that one sees next. It was taken in 2006 by the team MODIS in satellite of the NASA Terra

The Okhotsk sea is between Siberia and the Peninsula of Kamchatka. In the winter it is covered of ice almost totalmentee. It was taken in 2007 by the team MODIS in satellite of the NASA Terra. The following one was taken in 2009 by the team ASTER in satellite of the NASA Terra.

The glaciers Hampton and They Reside contribute ice to the Shokalsky bay in the island Alexander in this image taken as 2009 the satellite USGS-NASA.

This image of the crack in the glacier of Pine Island in the rim of the layer of ice placed to the west of the Antarctic was captured by ASTER in the satellite Terra of the NASA. It predicted that a big glacier would become detached in 18 months. This happened in Noviemvre of 2001 how it is verified in the sequence. According to some models (Proceedings of the Royal Society A) the water quantity that that ecnuentra in the layer of ice of the Antarctic West might raise the sea level in more than three meters in case of melting.

The image that it continues is an ice in the Arctic, where normally he persists during the whole year and is an important factor in the global climate. Imñagen captured by the satellite NASA-USGS Landsat-7 in June, 2001.

The layer of ice ayles in the Island Ellesmere in the Canadian Arctic broke of the island in 2005. The image shows the area in 2006. A mosáico of pieces of ice covers the surface. Next is the image taken in 2002.

The image that continues sample the beginning of the break of the big iceberg B-22, being liberated of the language of ice Thwaites in the Amundsen sea in the West of the Antarctic in March, 2002. B-22 is the 80 kilometers long and 61 wide one. Next one sees as it is moving two weeks later.

The giant iceberg B-10 was measuring 1,000 square thousands and had a quarter of mile of thickness when Antarctic became detached at the end of the eighties of the glacier. It broke in two in 1995. What appears is so big as the state of Rhode Island (USA) in 1999.

This image of the sea of Labrador combines different sizes of pieces of ice getting rid of the coast of Newfoundland. It took in April, 2003 from the International Space station

The Gulf of the St Lawrence in the East of Canada, normally is covered of ice, but in this image of April, 2008, the ice has begun to melt creating images much lllamativas of the currents in the sea.

Of this article of Wired Science I have taken the hanging pictures and even there is more.

Do they remember of the iceberg of 140 square kilometers that enfilaba towards the Australian coasts?. The block of ice, 19 kilometers long and 8 kilometers wide, is in these moments to approximately 1.700 kilometers of the oriental coast of Australia.

Most of experts usually attribute these events to the climate change, because the increase of the temperature of the sea has accelerated the process of fragmentation of the poles.

Nevertheless, others defend that in the presence of icebergs increasingly far from the polar masses they include also exogenous factors to the global warming like the currents or the fact of being constituted by snow consolidated instead of salt water.

Climate change?

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