Friday, March 19, 2010

Climate change, IPCC. What is happening?

The last informations about the scientific errors of the Intergovernmental Group of Experts about the Climate change (IPCC in his initials in English) has caused a big discomfort in the British Government.Teme that the conservative groups who deny the influence of the human being in the climate change use it already to hinder an international agreement of for himself difficultly to reach.

Due to the current polemic concerning the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate change of the UNO (IPCC), the magazine Nature gathered recently in an article the opinion of five experts who value the future of the organization. The authors recommend changes in the IPCC to recover his lost credibility. This flood lacking in confidence owes to the errors detected in the last report of the organism, as well as to the scandal of the scientists' e-mails that were published and used against the proper experts.

Recently there were publishing information about the possible impact of the increase of the temperature in more than three degrees centigrade by the middle of century that might produce the decrease of the productive capacity of the cultivable grounds that might cause a food catastrophe between more than 3.000 million persons who will live in the outskirts of the equator of the planet, according to the information gathered in a special one of the magazine Science (February 12, 2010). Without being still provided with the possible adverse effects of a more warm climate, the growth of the world population in more than 30 % before 2050 represents a notable challenge that would force to duplicate the grain production.

Nevertheless, the present winter is proving to be especially raw largely of the north hemisphere and especially in Europe, but, although this takes us to doubt it, the warming keeps on advancing to planetary scale.

A new analysis of the global temperature in surface realized by scientists of the NASA has thought that last year 2009 has tied with others like the second most warm from 1880, slightly more than one century. In case of the south hemisphere, it has been the most warm since records exist.

The period January, 2000 was to December, 2009 the decade more cálid to never registered. Looking until 1880, when the modern scientific instrumentation begun to be used, a clear tendency to the warming is present, although a certain leveling out took place between the decades of 1940 and 1970. But in last three decades, the records of temperatures taken the GISS it shows a tendency to the increase of 0, 2 degrees centigrade per decade. In whole, the average of global temperature has risen in 1,5 grades from 1880.

It is obvious that the man uses to the planet in his benefit (some more than others) but we should appear all that can last this way of using it and if there is way of changing our attitude.

Who is interested in that as in, Copenhagen or in Seville, there is not I agree on the actions to develop in this topic and in that increases the confusion and the absence of credibility?

Images of Gallery of the New York Steal

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