Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Earthquake in Chile. Hundreds of dead persons.

“The strong earthquake 8,8 intensity grades on the Richter scale, which has shaken with violence the central and south area of the country and has provoked at least 800 dead persons, according to official numbers. There are 15 missing persons and tens injured men. The earthquake also has left numerous scenes of destructions of highways and buildings, swells, glass breaks, cracks in ways, falls of posts and courts of the electric power and of the communications. Official sources have coded in at least way million the housings destroyed by the quake and in more than one million and a half the damaged ones, although the works of evaluation of the damages might it was prolonging up to two more weeks. Information updated here.

“The Center of Alerts of Tsunami in the American Pacific Ocean (PTWC, in his initials in English) it has withdrawn this dawn (spanish time) the alert for tsunami that had delivered a judgment hours earlier for the American archipelago of Hawaii, on having verified that the waves that had come up to this moment to the islands were minor than the due thing and in a frequency that was indicating the entire absence of danger of tidal wave. The waves did not go on from the meter of height, very far from two meters and a half with which one had put in alert the population, evacuated in the first hour to high areas of the archipelago.”

A 15 meters wave flogged to the Chilean island Robinson Crusoe, one of the three that form the archipelago Juan Fernández located to approximately 670 kilometers of the coast of Valparaiso. The victims' first inventory in the island points out that there are at least five dead persons and 11 missing persons. For precaution, the navy has alerted the population so that it was evicting the riverside area of Isla de Pascua, placed to 3.762 kilometers of continental Chile. In the Clever Coquimbo beach, to the north of Santiago, the sea has advanced more than 80 meters.

“The authorities North Americans have raised the alert for the tsunami (consequence of the earthquake of Chile), which covers the coasts of the Pacific Ocean without leaving notable damages to his step. Japan for his part, has reduced his alert to a “warning of tsunami”, which refers to waves of about 2 meters, as has pointed out the chain of Japanese television NHK.”

“ It has been between 50 and 100 times more intense than the earthquake that it destroyed Haiti in last January, and in the seismic history of Chile it is the third most intense, as the sismólogos have calculated. The affected stripe of the continental badge in which Chile is is of approximately 350 kilometers, between the spa of Pichilemu and the Gulf of Arauco.”

“Until now at least 25 replies have registered with intensity superior to 5 grades Richter, according to the Geologic Service of the United States.”

“The yesterday earthquake in the South American country is only comparable with the one that the biggest registered one shook on May 22, 1960 to Valdivia, to the south of Santiago, in the planet. In that occasion, the earthquake reached a magnitude 9,6 on the Richter scale and stopped approximately 3.000 dead persons and more than 2 millions of harmed. To the earthquake he was followed by a tsunami 10 meters high that came up to Hawaii, where it caused 61 dead persons, and other 32 in the Philippines.”

“Chile, he is located in the called “belt of fire” that borders on the countries washed by the Pacific Ocean, one of the most seismic areas of the planet, where 80 % of the earthquakes takes place.”

“The Belt of Fire of the Pacific Ocean concentrates some of the more important areas of subduction of the world: badges of the earth's crust sink at big geologic speed (several centimeters per year) in other badges, a phenomenon that accumulates enormous tensions that must be liberated in the shape of earthquake”

Puncture here to see the video

Puncture here to see the video

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