Friday, March 19, 2010

17 meters giant fish, in alive

It is not the biggest animal of the world but certainly it is very long. “A group of scientists has sighted for the first time in his natural environment a Regalecidae or fish rowed, an extraordinary and slippery fish that can go so far as to measure 17 meters - he is one of the longest of the world - provided with a prominent back fin that gives him an unusual form of snake.”

Puncture here to see the video

“The regalecidos or fish I row or fish saber (family Regalecidae) are a group of two genres of lampriformes of marine habitat, which can be in all the moderate and tropical regions of the balloon. A fish rowed, called científicamente Regalecus glesne is never the longest sighted bony fish, reaching 17 m long.”

“The fish I row they are thin and smoothed. They have small and protuberant mouths, without visible teeth; the body frees this one from scales, having in his place a covering of guanina of silver color and viscous consistency. The back fin is red or pink, of big size, being born just on the eyes and reaching the tail. It goes so far as to have 400 thorns, of which the first dozen is lengthened, forming a distinctive and showy speckled comb of red. The pelvic fins have also similar adornments; the pectoral ones scarcely present, and the anal distinctly limited or absent and caudal one completely. The form of the pelvic fins, which remember oars, is probably the origin of his name.”

Seeing the images it would not be strange that it was the origin of the myths of marine monsters that the ancient sailors were in charge of dispersing all over the world.

Streaming Til Death S04E20 The New Neighbors online

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